@@ -8,53 +8,59 @@
<resultMap id="yhrvo" type="lsjb.bo.yonghuVO.YongHuVo"></resultMap>
<insert id="addYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo">
- insert into g2_table_user (username,password,bumen,zhuangtai,chuangjiantime,yonghuleixing,dianhua)
- values (#{username},#{password},#{bumen},#{zhuangtai},#{chuangjiantime},#{yonghuleixing},#{dianhua})
+ insert into g2_table_user (username,password,bumen,zhuangtai,yonghuleixing,dianhua)
+ values (#{username},#{password},#{bumen},#{zhuangtai},#{yonghuleixing},#{dianhua})
-<!-- <delete id="deleteYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo">-->
-<!-- delete from g2_table_guize where gzname = #{gzname}-->
-<!-- </delete>-->
+ <delete id="deleteYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo">
+ delete from g2_table_user where username = #{username}
+ </delete>
-<!-- <update id="updateYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo">-->
-<!-- update g2_table_guize-->
-<!-- <set>-->
-<!-- <trim suffixOverrides=",">-->
-<!-- <if test="newgzname != null and newgzname != '' ">-->
-<!-- gzname = #{newgzname},-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="luncishu != null">-->
-<!-- luncishu = #{luncishu},-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="luncitime != null">-->
-<!-- luncitime = #{luncitime},-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="jiangetime != null">-->
-<!-- jiangetime = #{jiangetime},-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- </trim>-->
-<!-- </set>-->
-<!-- where gzname = #{gzname}-->
-<!-- </update>-->
+ <update id="updateYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo">
+ update g2_table_user
+ <set>
+ <trim suffixOverrides=",">
+ <if test="newusername != null and newusername != '' ">
+ username = #{newusername},
+ </if>
+ <if test="password != null and password != '' ">
+ password = #{password},
+ </if>
+ <if test="bumen != null and bumen != '' ">
+ bumen = #{bumen},
+ </if>
+ <if test="zhuangtai != null">
+ zhuangtai = #{zhuangtai},
+ </if>
+ <if test="yonghuleixing != null and yonghuleixing != '' ">
+ yonghuleixing = #{yonghuleixing},
+ </if>
+ <if test="dianhua != null and dianhua != '' ">
+ dianhua = #{dianhua},
+ </if>
+ </trim>
+ </set>
+ where username = #{username}
+ </update>
-<!-- <select id="queryYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo" resultMap="yhrvo">-->
-<!-- select gzname,luncishu,luncitime,jiangetime from g2_table_guize-->
-<!-- <where>-->
-<!-- 1=1-->
-<!-- <if test="gzname != null and gzname != '' ">-->
-<!-- and gzname = #{gzname}-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="luncishu != null">-->
-<!-- and luncishu = #{luncishu}-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="luncitime != null">-->
-<!-- and luncitime = #{luncitime}-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="jiangetime != null">-->
-<!-- and jiangetime = #{jiangetime}-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- </where>-->
-<!-- </select>-->
+ <select id="queryYongHu" parameterMap="yhvo" resultMap="yhrvo">
+ select id,username,password,bumen,zhuangtai,chuangjiantime,yonghuleixing,dianhua from g2_table_user
+ <where>
+ 1=1
+ <if test="username != null and username != '' ">
+ and username = #{username}
+ </if>
+ <if test="dianhua != null and username != '' ">
+ and dianhua = #{dianhua}
+ </if>
+ <if test="zhuangtai != null">
+ and zhuangtai = #{zhuangtai}
+ </if>
+ <if test="chuangjiantime != null and username != '' ">
+ and chuangjiantime = #{chuangjiantime}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ </select>