@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
values (#{title}, #{purchase_type}, #{purchase_quantity}, #{purchase_unit}, #{bidding_start_time},
#{bidding_end_time}, #{supply_location}, #{latest_delivery_time}, #{invoice_type}, #{payment_time},
#{usage_rule}, #{rule_id}, #{client_name}, #{client_id}, #{price_limit_upper}, #{price_limit_lower}, NOW(),
- #{creator}, #{rest_time}, #{bidding_status}, #{bidding_supplier_id}, #{bidding_supplier_name}, #{bidding_price});
+ #{creator}, #{rest_time}, #{bidding_status}, #{bidding_supplier_id}, #{bidding_supplier_name},
+ #{bidding_price});
<select id="queryBiddingInfoById" resultMap="rm">
select * from BiddingInfo where id = #{id}
@@ -59,7 +60,8 @@
title LIKE CONCAT('%', #{title}, '%')
<if test="bidding_start_time != null and bidding_end_time != null and bidding_start_time != '' and bidding_end_time != ''">
- and (Date(bidding_start_time) >= #{bidding_start_time} and Date(bidding_end_time) <= #{bidding_end_time})
+ and (Date(bidding_start_time) >= #{bidding_start_time} and Date(bidding_end_time) <=
+ #{bidding_end_time})
<if test="invoice_type != null and invoice_type != ''">
and invoice_type = #{invoice_type}
@@ -73,7 +75,41 @@
+ <select id="queryByCondition" resultMap="rm">
+ select
+ title,
+ purchase_type,
+ purchase_quantity,
+ purchase_unit,
+ bidding_start_time,
+ bidding_end_time,
+ supply_location,
+ latest_delivery_time,
+ invoice_type,
+ payment_time,
+ usage_rule,
+ rule_id,
+ client_name,
+ client_id,
+ price_limit_upper,
+ price_limit_lower,
+ create_time,
+ creator,
+ rest_time,
+ bidding_status,
+ bidding_supplier_id,
+ bidding_supplier_name,
+ bidding_price
+ from BiddingInfo
+ <where>
+ <if test="title != null">title like CONCAT('%', #{title}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="bidding_start_time != null">and bidding_start_time >= #{bidding_start_time}</if>
+ <if test="bidding_end_time != null">and bidding_end_time <= #{bidding_end_time}</if>
+ <if test="invoice_type != null">and invoice_type = #{invoice_type}</if>
+ <if test="payment_time != null">and payment_time = #{payment_time}</if>
+ <if test="bidding_status != null">and bidding_status = #{bidding_status}</if>
+ </where>
+ </select>
<delete id="deleteBiddingInfoById" parameterMap="pm">
delete from BiddingInfo where id = #{id}